Human resources system

The advanced eWorks company in the issuance of ERP System accounting programs offers an integrated system that automates the tasks and functions of human resources management, which facilitates the carrying out of administrative and organizational tasks smoothly and with complete flexibility at all stages of work, in a way that supports the vision and policies of human resources management in managing the human element within the organization.

The eWorks accounting software provides practical solutions for personnel management through an ERP accounting system that works with web technologies and multi-featured desktop interfaces through the following main axes:

  • Human resource operations management.
  • Wages and compensation management.
  • Attendance management

The eOfficeERP HR System personnel program includes a set of easy-to-use interfaces to manage and record the daily operations of personnel affairs with complete flexibility and ease. The eWorks Accounts software interfaces include the following regulatory activities:

Building the organizational and administrative structure

The personnel affairs system from eWorks allows complete flexibility in structuring the organization’s activity in proportion to its size and future aspirations. The user can create a tree directory for branches, departments, and internal departments without being restricted to a certain number of levels, with full control over the accounting directives for each department and internal department.

Recording employee data

The eWorks accounts program for managing personnel affairs enables you to create a detailed file for each employee that includes the basic and detailed data of the employees, with the attachment of documents such as residency, driver’s license, etc., The employee file includes the following data:

Employee data: It includes the employee’s name in Arabic and English. age, nationality, status and religion, ID number, destination and date of issuance, educational qualification and professional experience.
Job data: such as the branch, department, and department to which the employee belongs, and the job number, and date of appointment.
Functional document data: such as residency, national identity, passport, expiration dates, qualification and experience certificates, with the possibility of attaching the original documents within the system to view and recall them at any time.

Training courses and performance development plans

The human resources program provides an accounting system to develop employee performance by identifying administrative development needs, designing a training plan and implementing it on the system, and extracting detailed reports for training courses.

Managing foreign missions and assignments

The eWorks accounting system allows managing assignments between branches for employees as well as external errands and recording them on the system so that the human resources officer can register them on the system and take them into consideration when extracting attendance and departure results. During the period.

HR & payroll software features:

Personal data, personal photos and copies of official documents.

Qualifications, academic certificates and previous experience.

Time data and vacation balances.

Salary data and accessories.

Follow-up attendance and departure, whether it was recorded manually or through fingerprint devices.

Following up and recording daily personnel procedures such as vacations, absences, errands, Delays and overtime.

Multiple definitions of salary items

It is possible to describe and define multiple items for the salaries of the different employees, whether dues or deductions in advance, and classify them in the form of groups such as the allowance group, the salary group, and others. With full control over its due dates, dates, and recurrence rates.

Insurance rules and tax policies

The eWorks human resources system allows complete flexibility in controlling social and health insurance policies in terms of employee share entitlements and the company’s share of insurance. With the possibility of applying the insurance rules to a specific salary item, such as the basic salary only, all salary items, and this applies to the tax rules as well.

salary plans

The eWorks accounting system for managing personnel affairs enables you to develop a complete plan for the employee’s salary and the plan for the increases agreed upon in the contract, to be automatically added to the employee’s salary on the due dates. The user can put the salary items in different currencies in the case of multiple currencies in the company in question.

Advances and employee loans management

The human resources system provides complete control over the management and control of employee advances and loans, where it is possible to create a request for employee advances, their due date, and the number of payments. The application is approved by the Human Resources Department (the employee can also submit the application through the employee self-service application, and the employee receives a notification of approval of the advance automatically).

The system enables the scheduling of advances in a flexible manner that allows restructuring the employee’s indebtedness in accordance with work conditions. The advance is paid to the employee from the accounts department through the bank payments and receipts system after the approval of the two documents of the advance from the human resources staff.

Sanctions management

The Human Resources Department can develop and design employee penalties policies and regulations and apply them to employees and fully control the level of approval of penalties at different administrative levels.

Management of bonuses and additional items

By establishing types of rewards and other additions such as proficiency rewards, sales commissions, etc., and applying them to employees on their due dates, rewards and commissions can also be paid separately from the salary, and they can be paid together with the salary.

Payroll and wages administration

The eWorks accounts system provides the following advantages in calculating wages and salaries:

  • Possibility of accustoming some or all of the employees’ salaries.
  • The ability to print employee salary reports for banks and design the report in accordance with the requirements of banks.
  • The possibility of creating a flexible insurance policy and applying it to specific employees.
  • Apply the insurance and tax policy to some or all of the salary items.

Attendance management

The eWorks accounting system allows complete flexibility in managing attendance and departure operations, either by linking with fingerprint devices and importing from external Excel files, or registering attendance directly on the system. The system offers the following significant advantages:

Attendance, departure and fingerprint devices

Data of multiple fingerprint devices can be recorded and linked on eWorks accounting software for personnel management, Then the employees can register their attendance on the fingerprint devices in the various projects and branches, and finally the data is collected automatically on the program

Create work schedules

Flexible work schedules are created and linked to employees, Based on the shift dates, overtime and delays for employees are calculated on the system automatically once the attendance and departure processes are calculated

About company

eWorks Corporation is one of the leading companies in the field of information and communication technology. And the provision of home-grown integrated programming and development services according to international standards capable of competing with similar local and international products specialized in bodies, institutions and various work sectors.

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